Communication is more than just words. The non-verbal part is even more important than what can be expressed while speaking. Studies show that terms represent only 7% of what we say.

That’s why our positions, our actions, and our movements are significant. The body language represents 55%, and the tone of the voice represents a 38% message that we want to transmit.

Why is the right body language required?

In many organizations, it is believed that businesses need to be aware of this reality since verbal and nonverbal communication must be in the same direction, and be one in the service of the other, because 93% of our communication is all we let us communicate by speaking, and 55% of the effectiveness of our speech depends on what the receiver sees and not what he listens.

Non-verbal communication plays a vital role in all types of human relationships. In the professional or commercial field, it becomes a tool that must be at the service of our interests to be able to convey the desired message at any time, be it conciliatory speech, sincerity, authority or integrity.

Here are four basic guidelines for successful body language:

A natural smile always helps to relax any tension, and it is a discharge of emotions that reduces the pressure and generates a positive environment. This expression accompanies the perfect smile from a communicative or verbal point of view with the eyes, and the mouth must be ajar.

A look is a valuable tool of nonverbal communication; in fact, looking in the eyes is fundamental for the speaker to perceive correctly any speech. Not looking in the eyes is an error that provokes mistrust and coldness. Lowering one’s gaze can also be a handicap, especially when vital content is stated.

The distance between people deserves all our attention since it is essential to respect this perfect distance, which varies according to the social customs but which, on average, is 45 cm.

Body language betrays the truthfulness and credibility of our words and other attitudes, such as interest or trust. Some gestures reveal us, such as tilting the head on one side that shows interest in the subject and a willingness to reach an agreement.

Finally, the communication must always be understood from a bidirectional point of view, and the effort should not be made only on the side of the transmitter.

Neeraj Bhakta

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