You have a strong personal brand when people know that you can clearly answer the following questions:
Can you help me Strong personalized brands provide clear answers. Gordon Ramsay can teach you to cook, improve your restaurant business – this is what most people will say.
What is the source of your strength? Good personal brand (or: generally good brand) has mediocre characteristics that separate them from others. The source of strength of Bear Grylls is their pedestrian journey, the amount of travel … Others can also say “I’m good at surviving”, but then they need to overcome this challenge: how many trips to the Himalayas Are you finished?
What emotions can I expect from you? This is a very important one. Gordon back to Ramsay: Many people can tell you that they will teach you how to cook. And if you do not know what to expect, then bursting his anger suddenly will hurt your feelings. But if you know what this learning process will be, then you will accept it.
There is another way to contact the individual brand. Here is the checklist:
And if you want the simplest strategic guide for your personal brand, then I would recommend this triangle:
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