17 Signs you are going to be a Successful Entrepreneur


Entrepreneurship is not for the faint hearted, it is tough, it’s lonely, it’s risky. not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. I was having a discussion with friends of mine – entrepreneurs, about this topic, a question came up, are entrepreneurs made or born? Entrepreneurship starts early, in some cases during childhood, it … Read more

Why earning lots of money is necessary?

earning tips

Money doesn’t buy you happiness! Don’t tell me you believe that crap? People with small ambitions have been getting away with murder for far too long with this crappy opinion. People who share the falsehood that money doesn’t bring happiness are mostly small thinkers and lazy. Just because they don’t have the will to work … Read more

How to stop over thinking?

stop overthinking

Many factors make the over-thinking process unstoppable. The first problem you see with is that you despair of not stopping to think, and the more you try to stop believing, the more it seems that you say to your mind “keep thinking.” How to stop over-thinking? It is a fact that your design of the … Read more

Habits of Successful People

successful people habit

To become successful, the first thing you need to improve your customs. Success is not only achieved by winning; also, sometimes, you have to lose to reach him. And if you take these setbacks personally, the only thing you are going to get is to get much more to reach your goal. That is why … Read more

How to set financial goals as an Entrepreneur

successful entrepreneur

Sun Tzu’s military treatise -The Art of War – has timeless wisdom for aspiring entrepreneurs wishing to scale exact heights of success. Rule 26 says this; “Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. … Read more

Self-discipline for entrepreneurs

self discipline

Self-discipline, unlike many other people, is not something that you just get, it’s a skill that you practice every day. Self-discipline is practiced every day, and it’s something you need to do even if you don’t feel like it. Two of the worst things you can is to have your life controlled by someone else … Read more

Motivation for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are known to have one characteristic that separates them from every other person on the planet, and that is their level of commitment, which makes motivation one of the most important things to keep in mind. For an entrepreneur to have success, being committed every day and motivated to do the things they want … Read more

How to make yourself a brand?

dark angel

You have a strong personal brand when people know that you can clearly answer the following questions: Can you help me Strong personalized brands provide clear answers. Gordon Ramsay can teach you to cook, improve your restaurant business – this is what most people will say. What is the source of your strength? Good personal … Read more