What’s it like to be a failing startup?

startup plan

Depending on its role in a startup, failure is difficult to accept or accept some compared to others. One of the startups I worked for, one of them, in particular, had three separate groups, of which I would classify as optimistic, pessimistic, and in-the-middle. (Defined below) What I learned is that a drowning vessel may … Read more

What does it take to make a successful brand?

Creating a successful brand is about distributing your brand messages or fundamental values ​​with your confidence so confident that they become an evangelist or just put it to spread about your brand. To spread those fundamental values ​​about your brand, you have to recognize: What’s your Why do you do what you do? Whenever the … Read more

Cause of so many startups fail


I have worked with more than 100 startups in the past years and have run five businesses myself. My experience – in order: No. 1) Weak performance Most failed startups have not been able to execute in time and a considerable lack of judgment. They worked very hard on product features, with very few in … Read more

How To Improve Cash Flow On Business

cash flow

Thеrе аrе twо kеу gоаlѕ аt thе hеаrt оf іmрrоvіng уоur саѕh flоw: соntrоllіng уоur expenses аnd rеgulаtіng уоur іnсоmе. Tо thаt еnd, thеrе аrе a numbеr оf ѕmаrt tactics аnd uѕеful ѕеrvісеѕ thаt саn hеlр ѕmооth thе uрѕ аnd dоwnѕ: Chаrt оf accounts It mау ѕееm bоrіng, but thе fіrѕt ѕtер tо gооd саѕh … Read more

12 Thing that makes an entrepreneur successful

success idea

Never losing belief and learning from failures is very important for success as an entrepreneur. But many things require a little guidance and patron-ship at times. Well, I would like to share something for all the budding entrepreneurs. For those who decide what they have to become entrepreneurs, they are such qualities that they can … Read more